

Oxygen ball valve

Oxygen ball valves are specially designed valves used to control the flow of oxygen in various applications. These valves are engineered to meet the stringent safety and performance requirements associated with handling oxygen, which is highly reactive and poses unique challenges.


1. Material Compatibility: Oxygen ball valves are typically made from materials that are compatible with oxygen service, such as stainless steel, or specialized alloys, to prevent any reactions that could cause combustion or degradation.

2. Cleanliness: These valves are manufactured and assembled in clean environments to ensure they are free from oils, greases, and other contaminants that could react with oxygen.

3. Specialized Seals: The seals and seats are made from materials that do not react with oxygen, ensuring long-term reliability and safety.

4. Fire Safety: They are designed to minimize the risk of fire, with features such as anti-static devices and fire-safe constructions.

5. Low Friction Operation: The design ensures low friction during operation to prevent any heat generation, which is critical when dealing with oxygen.